CSP/Tracks/General options
There are some general options for tracks, allowing to tweak some things of how patch works with them. Most of those settings require race reload to apply.
SUPPORTS_WIND = 1 ; set to 0 to disable all wind-based effects completely. might be good for interior tracks?
RALLY_TRACK = 0 ; single rally car on a rally track would get differently acting headlights. patch would try to guess rally track based on tags, but you can change it here
PITBOXES = 4 ; amount of pit boxes on a track, to fix if "ui_track.json" is messed up
IGNORE_OTHER_CONFIGS = 0 ; set to 1 to ignore other configs that may be available in other places
ENABLE_TREES_LIGHTING = 0 ; if all your trees are not very close to a track, you can improve performance a lot by disabling trees lighting completely
TRACK_AMBIENT_GROUND_MULT = 0.5 ; only define it if needed! allows to redefine ambient multiplier for surfaces facing down
BOUNCED_LIGHT_MULT = 1, 1, 1, 1 ; multiplier for bouncing light (set to 0 if track is black, for example)
LIT_MULT = 1 ; multiplier for dynamic lights affecting the track
SPECULAR_MULT = 1 ; multiplier for speculars
CAR_LIGHTS_LIT_MULT = 1 ; multiplier for dynamic lights affecting cars on the track
FIREWORKS_POS_... = 12.4, 100.5, 340.0 ; x,y,z position for fireworks
FIREWORKS_POS_... = 16.4, 101.0, 341.0 ; x,y,z another second position for fireworks
SKY_BELOW_HORIZON = 1 ; how far should sky be rendered below the horizon (default value is 0.2115, set to 1 to have 360Β° sky)
; list of meshes used for custom spectators (not "camera_facing.ini" thing), to hide if user chose to hide spectators in certain modes
MESHES = mesh1, mesh2
; prevent patch from optimizing certain meshes in case it causes issues
OPACITY = 0.9 ; override opacity of VAO patch if set
MULTIPLIER = 1.0 ; override brightness multiplier of VAO patch if set
IGNORE = meshnames? ; disable wind for certain meshes
DYNAMIC_FLAGS = AUTO ; Valid values: NONE, AUTO, or regular mesh filter
TREES_NORMALIZATION = 0.8, 1 ; Stretch trees normalization area so original 0.9 would become 0
GRASS_NORMALIZATION = 0.8, 1 ; Stretch grass normalization area so original 0.9 would become 0
; not per track-cfg, but in "extension\config\track_adjustments.ini" :
; DISPLAY_DUMMIES = 0 ; 1 to show position of audio objects created by config with [EVENT_...]
; VOLUME = 1.0 ; 0..1 for patch-sounds like rain and such
- πΌ ..
- π Animated objects
- π Audio
- π Bounced light
- π Collision parameters
- π Conditions
- π Custom raycasting
- π Deforming walls
- π Dirt on tyres
- π Displays
- π Distant emissives
- π Dynamic physics objects
- π Enabling extended physics
- π Examples
- π General extended physics options
- π General options
- π Geometric colliders
- π Grass FX
- π Lights
- π Local cubemaps
- π Meshes manipulation
- π Miscellaneous options
- π RainFX
- π Surface tweaks
- π Trees
- π Vertex AO
- π Water shader