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CUP v22


If needed, you can create a soundbank for a track and attach various audio events to different points on a track. Here is an example.

For it to work, you need to locate files like so:

  • content/tracks/<trackfolder>
    • extension/
      • sfx/
        • GUIDs.txt
      • ext_config.ini

And in “ext_config.ini”, write:

; First, it needs to define soundbank to use:

BANK = sfx/    ; as you can see here, you can name those files differently
GUIDS = sfx/GUIDs.txt  ; but for a start, name them like that, just in case

; Then, define events in soundbank

ID = event/path      ; event path, as you can see it in GUIDs.txt
REVERB_RESPONSE = 1  ; should event respond to reverb

; Positioning:
POSITION = X, Y, Z   ; position of an audio source in space
                     ; (you can use Object Inspector to quickly find out position,
                     ; just click anywhere and copy coordinates)
DIRECTION = 0, 0, 1  ; direction of audio event

; Volumes:
VOLUME = 1                  ; base volume
CAMERA_INTERIOR_MULT = 0.2  ; volume multiplier for interior cameras
CAMERA_EXTERIOR_MULT = 1    ; volume multiplier for exterior cameras like chase cam
CAMERA_TRACK_MULT = 1       ; volume multiplier for track cameras

; Parameters:
INPUT_KEY_0 = some_parameter
INPUT_KEY_1 = different_parameter

; You can, of course, use same event in several points, with different parameters:

ID = event/path
POSITION = 0, 0, 10
; and so on

; And, in case you would need something more complex, for each number, such as
; volume, volume multiplier or input value, you can use a varying value instead
; of a constant.

; This condition will return 0 during the day, and 1 at night:
LUT = (| 0=0 | 88=0 | 88=1 | 180=1 |)
LAG = 0.97

ID = event/path
INPUT_KEY_0 = some_parameter

; audio event following an animated object:
ID = event/path
RELATIVE_TO = node_name  ; or mesh_name

; and so on