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CUP v22

CSP/Tracks/Dynamic physics objects

CSP 0.1.78 adds an option for tracks with extended physics to configure in detail behaviour of dynamic physics objects (“ACPOBJECT…” ones). Now it’s possible to redefine their mass, change collision parameters, use geometric colliders and enable collisions between those objects.


; data/surfaces.ini:

MESHES = AC_POBJECT_1?    ; Filter for object names
DETECT_BOX_COLLIDER = 0   ; If set to 1, CSP would try to automatically detect if collider mesh is
                          ; a box and if so, replace it with a fitting box collider with correct
                          ; center of gravity
MASS = 1                  ; Mass in kg (default mass of those objects in AC is 1 kg)
LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.9      ; Damping for linear motion (increase to make objects stop sooner)
ANGULAR_DAMPING = 0.9     ; Damping for angular motion
INTERCOLLISION = 1        ; If set to 1, objects can collide with other objects with the same flag
COLLIDER_DEBUG = 1, 0, 0  ; If set, objects would get an outline for their geometric colliders
COG_OFFSET = X, Y, Z      ; Optional offset for the center of gravity

; Collision parameters
BOUNCE = 0.5             ; Bounce coefficient
FRICTION = 0.9           ; Contact friction
INTENSITY = 0.1          ; Collision intensity (affects damage, audio and visual effects)
                         ; Other collision parameters are also applicable here

; Geometric colliders
NO_MESH_COLLIDER = 1     ; If you’re using geometric colliders, add this option to disable mesh
                         ; colliders

; These descriptions can contain multiple collider definitions (for example, a cone can be roughly
; approximated with a box and a capsule)
; Geometric collider: sphere
COLLIDER_SPHERE_0 = R                   ; Adds new spherical collider with given radius in meters
COLLIDER_SPHERE_0_OFFSET = X, Y, Z      ; Optional offset

; Geometric collider: box
COLLIDER_BOX_1 = W, H, L                ; Adds new box collider with given width, height and length
COLLIDER_BOX_1_OFFSET = X, Y, Z         ; Optional offset
COLLIDER_BOX_1_DIRECTION = 0, 0, 1      ; Optional direction for orienting box
COLLIDER_BOX_1_UP = 0, 1, 0             ; Optional up vector for orienting box

; Geometric collider: capsule (like a cylinder with hemispheric caps, faster than cylinder)
COLLIDER_CAPSULE_2 = R                  ; Adds new capsule collider with given radius in meters
COLLIDER_CAPSULE_2_OFFSET = X, Y, Z     ; Optional offset
COLLIDER_CAPSULE_2_DIRECTION = 0, 0, 1  ; Direction for capsule
COLLIDER_CAPSULE_2_LENGTH = L           ; Length in meters

; Alternatively, instead of offset, direction and length starting and ending points can be set
COLLIDER_CAPSULE_3_FROM = X, Y, Z       ; Starting point
COLLIDER_CAPSULE_3_TO = X, Y, Z         ; Ending point

; Geometric collider: cylinder (like a capsule with flat caps, a bit slower)
COLLIDER_CYLINDER_4 = R                 ; Adds new cylinder collider with given radius in meters
                                        ; Other parameters are the same as with capsule

If two different sections match the same object, both would apply, subsequent sections overwriting values set by earlier defined sections (ordered numerically). Also, please note: if your track uses extended physics and there are no [DYNAMIC_OBJECTS_...] sections, DETECT_BOX_COLLIDER would apply automatically. To disable it (just in case), add something like: