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CUP v22

Hello World

This is a documentation plugin for CUPv2.

The original files are in Markdown format, and it uses marked to turn them into HTML. Usually I don’t like using JavaScript libraries, but this one is too good, parsing Markdown by hand in a few lines of code is pretty tricky, and I found a neat way to do it without having to mess around with “packages.json” thanks to Bun capabilities.

Marked - Markdown Parser

Marked lets you convert Markdown into HTML. Markdown is a simple text format whose goal is to be very easy to read and write, even when not converted to HTML. This demo page will let you type anything you like and see how it gets converted. Live. No more waiting around.

How To Use The Demo

  1. Type in stuff on the left.
  2. See the live updates on the right.

That's it. Pretty simple. There's also a drop-down option above to switch between various views:

  • Preview: A live display of the generated HTML as it would render in a browser.
  • HTML Source: The generated HTML before your browser makes it pretty.
  • Lexer Data: What marked uses internally, in case you like gory stuff like this.
  • Quick Reference: A brief run-down of how to format things using markdown.

Why Markdown?

It's easy. It's not overly bloated, unlike HTML. Also, as the creator of markdown says,

The overriding design goal for Markdown's formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.

Ready to start writing? Either start changing stuff on the left or clear everything with a simple click.